Education is not merely book-oriented; it should prepare the child beyond the textbook and make them ready for the real life outside the school’s ambience. Sheer Marks can never determine one's intelligence and potentials. In every student there can be a singer, an artist, a poet, a reporter, an engineer, a doctor, afashion designer, a teacher,a writer, etc. There isa whopping number of opportunities, awaiting them in the world, to which their unique character and skill should fit best.

Our Institution’s aim is to cater to the educational needs of children belonging to different strata of our society in Trichy district and beyond.

Our school aims to provide each child with a holistic learning experience based upon our traditional values amidst the rapid pace of technological change.

"Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves" said Jawaharlal Nehru.

"Education which does not mould character is wholly worthless”, said Mahatma Gandhi. With these ideals as the base and the vision of our Bishop, I am sure the school will, under no circumstance, compromise on values and ethics to mould our children into becoming model citizens of India.

I am also confident that the Principal and our team of dedicated teachers in the classrooms and the sports fields will impart the essential knowledge and skills to every child so that they may live up to our school’s motto, “TO LOVE & TO SERVE”
