ART Club

Art Club is an opportunity for interested high school students to meets weekly on Monday and Tuesday after school to work on special art projects and to share art experiences with their peers. Art Club is open to all grade levels. This is a great place to explore your personal interests in art and get some hands on experience with art tools and materials if you are not in art class or if you just want more art in your life.

In addition to producing art that interests them, students will participate in volunteer and community service opportunities by working on art related projects to better their school and their community. The club will always meet after school in Class II-B from 3:30 to 4:25 p.m.

The goal of Art Club will be to:

  • • Provide an opportunity for art students to further their art making experience.
  • • Allow students not currently enrolled in art class to pursue art interests.
  • • Provide service to the school and community.
  • • Allow students to share their creative endeavours and ideas with other students.