A student must carry his/her Almanac to school daily. The entire student's information should be completed and duly signed by the parents.
Students should come to school on time. Late comers should report to the Teacher/s-on-duty on arrival. The school gate will close at 8.45 am sharp.
Students should be proud of their school uniform. They should be clean and neatly dressed. Boys should get their hair cut at regular intervals.
It is not advisable to wear or bring expensive items of jewellery or valuable articles.
Students are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments to school.
Attendance in the morning assembly is compulsory. Exemption from assembly will be granted only on medical grounds.
The Principal reserves the right to suspend/rusticate or take strict disciplinary action against a student who violates the school rules or indulges in any form of indiscipline or whose conduct is harmful to other students
Business/Monetary transaction in the school is not permitted.
The school reserves the right to suspend or to take strict disciplinary action against a student whose diligence or progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
No student should indulge in any of the following practices, namely: *Writing anything on shirt, others, uniform or school property. *Spitting in or near the school buildings. *Disfiguring or otherwise damaging school property. *Any form of gambling. *Rowdyism and rude behavior *Use of violence in any form. *Casteism, communalism or practice of untouchabilty. *Bursting crackers or throwing colour on one another or painting faces within the school premises.
No student is permitted to bring a mobile phone to the school. Use of Mobile phones is prohibited within the school campus.
No student is allowed to visit any of the kiosks situated around the school during the school hours and if caught doing so, will be subjected to rigorous punishment.
Students indulging in aggressive or very violent behavior in the school Bus / Van the will be dropped and picked up from the school by their parents. They will not be allowed to travel by school bus.
Roll Nos. / Admit Cards of the students who do not follow the school rules or behave in a disciplined manner may be withheld based on the Code of Conduct issued by the CBSE.
No student should come to school in case he / she is ill or indisposed even if there is a test / exam / competitive event on the day. In case the child comes to school, the school will not allow him / her to go back home after the test or during school hours as per the policy which should be respected and adhered to.
Energy Conservation – Students should never leave the classroom without switching off the lights and fans.
Polythene Free Zone – Students should never use polybags or polythenes; instead cloth bags or paper bags must be used.
Students should never pluck flowers from the school garden, uproot or cause damage to any plants.
Kindly Note :- It is extremely important that students adhere to the Code of Conduct laid down by the school. On failing to do so, they will be dealt with severely without exception.
The School Uniform is a discipline in itself and should be adhered to by all students. The set pattern and colour should be correctly followed. All students are expected to wear the School uniform as specified. Parents are expected to ensure that their wards are in proper uniform before leaving for school.
*Students will not be allowed entry in the School Premises unless they are in their proper School Uniform.