Olympids 2019-2020

Olympids 2019-2020


Olympiad Exams through SOF will be offered for all students from Class I onwards.

Assistance is offered by the respective staff to help the child face the exams. Parents are requested to encourage their wards to join these classes and undertake the tests.

Olympiad Exam provides the most conducive as well as testing opportunity to students to show their depth of knowledge and sharpness of intelligence. The main purpose of this exam is to provide a perfect platform to students through which they may naturally develop their mental and confidence levels.

It also gives a chance for students in CHRIST THE KING CBSE SCHOOL to sharpen their skills by tackling a number of problems at a level they are not likely to encounter in their classrooms. Thus it provides a unique competitive platform through and identify the young geniuses and create a talent pool for the future.